Andy Bull – ‘Small Town Girl’
I’m glad that Andy Bull have finally got a good single out on a label big enough to push his music out to the mainstream market. I first learnt about Andy through his manager the lovely Julia Kosky whom I met in an industry forum. On her recommendation I checked Andy out on a small gig at Sydney’s Ruby Rabbit, not really a venue but a long terrace bar/club style. Andy was behind a set of keys and on the bass was producer Tony Buchen aka Buchman aka one of the Baggsmen. Young Andy Bull had a great voice, a soulful voice for a boy from Sydney whom I thought would be too ‘American’ to work the indie gigging circuit in Australia. That was a few years ago and I thought he has disappeared or given up or moved away but fortunately he has come back with a fantastic pop soul number. Small Town Girl is a classic soundtrack tune; I get flashbacks of the Cameron Crowe movie Almost Famous, the scene when Zooey Deschanel‘s character leaves the family home to become an airline stewardes. If that movie wasn’t set in the 70s, this song would be perfect. Actually, it doesn’t matter when it’s set cos this song has an ageless quality.
September 3, 2008 7:39 pm
loooove this song
September 13, 2008 2:39 pm
when i heard it on triiple j ,, i couldnt belive it was a ozzy singing it ,, coz i love soul ,, and for a sydney boy thats lik a contrast ,,, bigg ups to andy for this single ,, evan thouhg his voice sounds a bit too sharp for my liking ,, the song is cool !
September 23, 2008 8:16 am
omg cant believe this song isnt on itunes =(!!
May 16, 2009 5:57 pm
i think he sounds like a girl!!!